Quality, Safety & Sustainability

Our clients experience the quality of our services through versatility, transparent cooperation, and outstanding expertise.

Our quality promise

We are committed to transparent consulting, planning, and monitoring processes implemented by motivated, competent, and reliable employees.
We meet your expectations through professionally sound solutions, adherence to deadlines and cost commitment, with our practised and comprehensive quality management system.
We have a controlled quality, environmental protection, and occupational health and safety management system for our employees, and services relating to complex submarine and land cable installations.


Michael Holzinger, project manager for submarine cable installation and safety management officer, on the importance of occupational safety and quality assurance at eos projekt.


In order to meet our quality requirements, as well as those of our clients, we work with a certified quality and environmental management system to ensure the continuous improvement of all processes. This management system has been expanded to include occupational health and safety and an additional audit for the Safety Culture Ladder. This insures our internal company processes comply with international quality standards.

Constantly optimising our work processes in order to improve our teamwork and corporate culture is of utmost importance to us.  

Since 2015 – Quality and Environmental Management System Certification
DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and DIN EN ISO 14001:2015
Since 2018 – Occupational Health and Safety Certification
DIN EN ISO 45001:2018
In addition, our employees have been successfully audited at level 3 according to the Safety Culture Ladder (SCL) system.
Safety Culture Ladder (SCL) Level 3


As an independent engineering company, eos projekt is committed to sustainable growth, customer orientation based on partnership, as well as the respectful treatment of employees, with a strong focus on protecting the environment.

Release of young harbour seals on a sandbank off the coast of Norderney Island / summer 2022.
Heuler im Transportkorb Harbour seal pup (Heuler) in a transport basket

As an infrastructure service provider for renewable energies, we promote the future viability of Germany as a business location. In addition to economic success, we believe that a healthy environment, social responsibility for our employees and management geared towards long-term success are inseparable.